
“It’s hotter than you think” signs

This is an early Desert Paws project. We placed these plastic signs in hundreds of stores around the Southern California Desert. Many are still in place years later, serving as reminders not to leave pets in cars unattended. Depending where you live, this project can...


These short videos were produced to explain specific issues concerning animal welfare. Please take a look at these pieces on illegal animal trade and the Canadian seal hunt and tell us what you think. AIAnimals YouTube


The Animals Today team is pleased to announce that three additional stations have picked up the show! Animals Today continues to grow! These three stations join recently added stations in Atlanta, Palm Springs and San Francisco / San Jose. Thanks for your continued support of...


HAPPY AND SAFE DOGS AND CATS - Promoting Responsible Pet Guardianship To promote improved responsible pet guardianship across all communities, Advancing the Interests of Animals (AIA) has launched a novel pilot project in the Coachella Valley's Spanish-speaking communities. Currently underway is a multi-media program to...

Animals Today on YouTube

AIA is pleased to announce its Animals Today YouTube initiative! Prior Animals Today shows from 2010 to present are in the process of being uploaded to YouTube. Each show will be made into a unique “video” consisting of a still image with the show summary...

Plant-based diet improves cardiovascular health

Please click on the link to read an article written by Drs. Kirshner and Spiegel published in the Desert Health News about how a plant-based diet improves cardiovascular health. may also listen to recent Animals Today interviews with Dr. Michael Greger on the latest evidence supporting the...

Response to Indio City Council Re: Animal Services

By Dr. Lori Kirshner: (links to the original Desert Sun article and Dr. Kirshner's response are below) In a recent Desert Sun article concerning the fate of the City of Indio Animal Shelter, a proposal to award the contract for animal services to Riverside County was described....

Ellen…Have You Forsaken Us?

By: Marilyn RamosWhat the hell happened? Ellen! Ellen! Did we really hear you say on your show recently that you are now eating eggs because those eggs come from “happy” chickens that your neighbors keep?From Wikipedia: Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use...

Carpe Diem

  By: Marilyn Ramos   Carpe Diem = Seize the moment (or seize the day). With 24 hours in a day, those of us who are animal activists have a unique opportunity to speak up for them each and every day, each and every hour. We should seize...

Politics, Politics, Politics

By: Marilyn Ramos With the Presidential campaigns in full swing, I often think, “Which party is more animal friendly?”  Which party regularly votes for the betterment of animals’ lives? The answer may be obvious but I don’t think it is necessarily a simple answer. I...

Animal Lover?

By: Marilyn Ramos   Should you be a vegetarian or a vegan if you call yourself an animal lover? If you run an animal welfare organization should you be vegetarian or vegan? If your organization has the word “animal” in its title should you be an...

Why Lennox?

By: Marilyn RamosFor anyone who spends any amount of time on Facebook (or any other social media site) you have no doubt heard about Lennox and the "Save Lennox" movement. I've had no less than 15 friends over the last two weeks post about Lennox,...

Hot Diggity Dog

By: Marilyn RamosAnother 4th of July holiday is gone which means another Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest (that’s a mouthful…pun intended) is also gone. This year, Nathan’s held its ninety-seventh annual contest. Five-time-defending champion, Joey Chestnut, won again by devouring...

Au Revoir to Foie Gras

By: Marilyn Ramos“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. Mahatma GhandiOn July 1st, the sale and production of foie gras will be illegal in California. Senate Bill 1520 was passed in 2004 and...
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