Zoo Troubles
Controversies and issues in Sanctuaries and zoos
Explore our research and expert interviews to learn more about the problems with contemporary zoos and why we advocate instead for animal sanctuaries.

Homeless Pets, Overbreeding And Related Legal Issues
A decade ago, it seemed that we were on the verge of solving the problem of unwanted adoptable dogs and cats in the US, and with it the euthanasia of healthy animals. Alas, despite good progress due to the massive efforts of many animal organizations and individual pet lovers, thet goal still is frustratingly elusive. However, AIA remains committed to the cause of saving lives with our focus on pet adoptions, low cost and no cost spay and neuter programs, opposing the purposeful breeding of dogs and cats and the organizations which promote the industry (e.g. the AKC, private breeders and puppy mills), and fighting laws and ordinances which discriminate against certain dog breeds.

Children’s Books
Children and their families will delight in the expertly drawn, detailed scenes interpreting sayings and idioms about birds. Accompanied by cute, witty and whimsical rhymes, these illustrations will highlight the joy we can feel about the animals we share the world with.
Readers will also find interesting facts about birds, quizzes and even a word search puzzle.
Written by Peter Spiegel and Lori Kirshner, and illustrated by Heegyum Kim, This Book is Not for the Birds is an AIA project and the first in a series in the Soaring Dolphin collection ©