Every day in the United States, 70 thousand of puppies and kittens are born.
Unfortunately there are not enough homes for all these cats and dogs
As a result, they end up being neglected, abandoned or euthanized in shelters.
In fact, millions of healthy, loving and adoptable pets are killed in our shelters every year. On average, more than half of animals that enter shelters get euthanized.
However, there is good news, and two powerful ways you can help this problem!
First, make sure to have your dogs and cats fixed, even before they have one litter. That is a good way to reduce overpopulation.
And second, when you want a new pet, make sure to adopt him from a shelter instead of buying him from a pet store or a breeder. When you adopt, you really save a life. And that makes everybody very happy!
This message is presented by Advancing the Interests of Animals. Visit us at
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