Helping animals without going crazy: strategies for effective, joyful advocacy
Helping animals without going crazy: strategies for effective, joyful advocacy

Dec 11, 2015 Palm Springs, CA
AIA welcomed more than 100 animal advocates who attended this stimulating and informative seminar. Attendees included animal rescuers, members of animal welfare organizations, and shelter staff and volunteers. They learned practical information, tips and strategies to help them achieve better outcomes for animals while adding more enjoyment to their animal advocacy activities. The seminar also addressed coping with the loss of one’s own companion animals.
Dr. Lori Kirshner moderated the session, kicking off the morning by welcoming the audience and by acknowledging the challenges they endure as they work so hard to help our animal friends. Entertainer and AIA advisory board member, Barry Manilow made a special video appearance in which he thanked the attendees for their work on behalf of animals.
Patricia Smith, founder of the Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project, then presented her talk, Recognizing and Managing Compassion Fatigue in Animal Caregiving. She was followed by Linda Harper, PhD., Clinical Pyschologist and author whose talk was titled, The Power of Joy in Working Together to Help More Animals. The final guest speaker, Sandra Grossman, PhD, a certified pet loss and bereavement counselor, presented, Coping with Pet Loss. A lively Q & A session concluded the program.
The morning provided a vast amount of useful information and the event was very highly rated by attendees. Many thanks to the expert speakers and the animal advocates who attended and participated. Look for an even better seminar next year!
Comments from attendees:
“I just want to tell you how very impressed I was with your organization of last Friday’s AIA seminar. It was excellent, from beginning to end, and you’re both to be commended for your efforts. Congratulations on hosting such a splendid event.”
“I have to say so many points brought up at the conference resonated with me.”
“We’ve talked to a number of folks that attended, and without exception – all considered to a very powerful positive influence.”
“I took away some food for thought. I have a new attitude! The guest speakers were fantastic….”
“It was a very powerful seminar. I have much to chew on and mull over and meditate on. It was just so amazing and emotional to be in a roomful of kindred spirits who “get it.””
‘Everyone left with a big smile. Thank you again”
“It was an informative and heartfelt experience. The ladies were fabulous speakers and kept it interesting.”
” I am happy to say, I had actually started the taking care of myself a few months ago. I learned a lot and that we need to take care of ourselves, so we can take care of the animals. It was really nice to see 49 Animal Control employees in attendance. Also nice to see the other folks that rescue receiving tools … To fight on! Thank you again from the bottom of my paws.”
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